My story
Hi, I'm Halliki and I'm the maker behind Heijka Handmade. I'm originally from Estonia. Now living in small country town in Central Wheatbelt, WA with my husband and two kids.
I have always been a creative person and I feel like I have to be busy all the time. Three years ago when I stayed home with my first child, to keep me sane, I started to crocheting and knitting. I made jumper or two. Even considered maybe I should try to become crochet designer.
Year into being a full-time mum I was given a old sewing machine. My first sewing projects were cloth liners & beanies. Soon after that I decided to buy my own sewing machine. Beginning of the last year I started to make baby clothes & cloth nappies because I learnt I was expecting my second child. Happy times didn't last long.. sadly, I went through two miscarriages... my sewing corner started to be my safe space. Sewing made me happy - it was part of my healing process. Slowly from hobby it grow into a small business.
My most popular nappy is based on MLS pattern- OSFM nappy with wider reinforced wings. All nappies are coming with extra long anchor insert and booster, both 2 layers of bamboo fleece topped with suede cloth. In custom orders I also offer double row, losfm & newborn nappies.
I have exclusive print what I love with all my heart - LionBaby. Actually there are 3 of them - with teal, pink & yellow background. Lion cub symbolises my angel baby who would turn 1 this August.
It has been amazing year and seeing my nappies in the wild makes my heart melt.